Reducing and preventing Tobacco Use

Tobacco is responsible for roughly 1/3 of all cancer deaths -- or nearly 2,300 cancer deaths in Connecticut this year. 

Tobacco Control Funding

Comprehensive, well-funded tobacco control programs help prevent youth from starting to use tobacco products and support and promote cessation among current tobacco users.  ACS CAN recommends that states dedicate a portion of tobacco tax and other tobacco-related revenue for tobacco control.  However Connecticut is falling short, providing ZERO funding in the current state budget. 

  • The CDC recommends that Connecticut spend $32 million annually on tobacco prevention programs. 
  • Connecticut has cumulatively only spent $29.7 million over 16 years-$2.3 million below what the CDC recommends to be spent annually.
  • Connecticut collects an estimated $487.2 million annually in tobacco revenue through taxes and Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement payments.
  • The tobacco industry never stops marketing to kids because they know that almost all smokers start as minors.
  • The tobacco companies spend $80.4 million every year marketing their deadly products in Connecticut. That’s why we can’t let up in funding programs to protect our kids from tobacco.
  • Connecticut’s Tobacco and Health Trust Fund has been raided 67 times in the past 16 years for programs unrelated to tobacco control.
  • Tobacco prevention is one of the smartest and most fiscally responsible investments that states can make. 

Tobacco Taxes

Tobacco tax increases are one of the most effective ways to reduce smoking and other tobacco use, especially among kids. ACS CAN is working in Connecticut to continue increasing taxes on tobacco products and ensuring that cigars, smokeless tobacco and other products are taxed at the same rate as cigarettes.