Requesting a Budget Increase for the California Cancer Registry


ACS CAN, along with Public Health Institute and University of Southern California is requesting a budget increase for the California Cancer Registry.

Need for request:

  • The Governor’s 2022 Budget proposes to cut $1.8 million from the California Cancer Registry, representing 20-25% of their overall budget.
  • We are asking that the Legislature reject those cuts and provide $6.6 million to make the registry whole.
  • Established in 1985, the CCR is the largest registry in the nation and is recognized as one of the leading cancer registries in the world.
  • The CCR is a vast repository of cancer data that provides vital information to public health officers and researchers. With this data, it is possible to determine cancer risk factors and study groupings of cancers in communities.
  • However, the means for collecting data has fallen woefully behind the times and results in data not being reported to the department for an average of one-and-a-half to two years.
  • The CCR has been working hard to update the registry to have real-time reporting. Once complete, the implication for clinical trials is immense.

Why is this important?

Our registry is critically important to cancer research and eliminating gaps in health equity. With the appropriate, ongoing funding, the registry has the opportunity to implement changes that would provide real time data for researchers and clinical trials.

View the Budget Request factsheet here.