
Virginia State Lead Ambassador


Donna Rennick


Headshot of Virginia volunteerDonna Rennick has been with ACS CAN since 2006 and with ACS since 1999, where she has participated in many ACS programs, including Reach to Recovery and Relay For Life. Donna received the Relay for Life Advocacy Award in 2008. A Virginia Beach resident and a retiree from Delta Airlines, Donna says she loves living in Virginia and its motto, “Virginia is for Lovers.”  

Why are you a cancer advocate?

As a cancer survivor, I found Reach For Recovery to be a vital program to assist women when they first hear the 3 words You have cancer.” However, during my volunteer time with Reach, I learned of the many struggles cancer patients experience be it insurance, inability to afford medications, or discrimination due to pre-existing conditions.

Why should others in your community get involved with ACS CAN?

So many have lost family members or friends to cancer and want to do something in memory of that person, but don’t have the time to volunteer on a regular basis. By volunteering with ACS CAN, they can find a great way to easily make their voice known on issues of healthcare.

What is your favorite memory from your time as an ACS CAN volunteer?

First and foremost, interacting with the many wonderful ACS CAN volunteers who give their time selflessly to make a difference in this fight to eliminate cancer. Another beautiful memory is always the Lights of Hope Ceremony. It visually brings to mind just how many people are touched by cancer. With the respectful silence and then with the glow of each bag, it is a reaffirmation of why I am involved and that memory is embedded.


Want to join me in the fight against cancer? Fill out this form to sign up to be an ACS CAN volunteer in Virginia.