Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Funding: 

  • ACS CAN supports the Department of Health proposed funding for prevention and cessation at $2 million annually as a vital first step to protect Tennessee’s youth from tobacco and help those already addicted to quit. This is especially important since Tennessee has the third highest adult smoking rate in the country is one of the only states that does not include recurring funding for such programs and given the rise in youth tobacco use, including the ongoing youth e-cigarette epidemic.

Access to Tobacco Cessation:

  • ACS CAN will advocate to maintain state funding for smoking cessation services for TennCare enrollees to help people who smoke, quit the addiction and reduce downstream tobacco-related health care costs. 

Pre-emption Repeal:

  • ACS CAN will support legislation that creates an option for local authorities to pass smoke-free ordinances, to save lives and reduce the death and disease caused by exposure to secondhand smoke.