Tanning and Sun Safety

ACS CAN supports legislative and regulatory initiatives at all levels of government to protect the public from skin cancer risk associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation emitted by sunlamp products and the sun.

Tanning and Sun Safety Resources:

The greatest avoidable known risk factor for skin cancer is the use of indoor tanning devices. Yet, each year, approximately nine million Americans engage in indoor tanning.The desire for a tanned appearance causes many people, especially young adults and teenagers, to ignore the serious risks and health warnings and use indoor tanning devices.

Despite reputable scientific studies showing that tanning devices can cause skin cancer, misconceptions about the risks and dangers of indoor tanning persist. This is due, in part, to misleading advertising and health claims by the tanning industry. This fact sheet debunks many of the most egregious industry claims about indoor tanning.

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) advocates for public policies that will help reduce the risk of skin cancer associated with the use of indoor tanning devices.

Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States, and rates have been rising for the past 30 years.This factsheet discusses the types of skin cancer, risk factors for the disease, and how it can be prevented.