
Nebraska State Lead Ambassador

Ann Yager

Nebraska SLAAnn Yager has been a volunteer with ACS CAN since April 2019. Currently, she serves as Nebraska Medicine’s Director of Radiation Oncology as well as the University of Nebraska Medical Center Radiation Oncology Department Administrator. 

Why are you a cancer advocate?

I’ve spent 35 years working in the field of oncology and are a 9 year breast cancer survivor.

Why is being an ACS CAN volunteer important to you?

I feel it is important to work with our legislators, local, state and federal, to affect change.

In addition to working on legislation, it is important to advocate on administrative regulatory changes to prevent cancer, assist with research, and ensure patient access to care.

Why should others in your community get involved in ACS CAN?

Everyone has a voice and there is power in numbers.

What other organizations are you involved with?

Nebraska Medicine; University of Nebraska Medical Center; Susan G. Komen Great Plains,

Association of Community Cancer


Want to join me in the fight against cancer? Fill out this form to sign up to be an ACS CAN volunteer in Nebraska.