It’s time for Minnesota to stand up to Big Tobacco

Minnesota should end the sale of all flavored tobacco products and remove barriers to tobacco cessation and treatment services for Minnesotans on Medicaid and MinnesotaCare.

  • Tobacco cessation programs are a proven method to help adults quit tobacco use
  • Fruit, candy, and menthol tobacco products lure kids into addiction, making it easier to start and harder to quit
  • 80% of kids who have ever used tobacco start with a flavored product
  • The tobacco industry has spent decades manipulating its menthol brand-specific product line to appeal to kids, communities of color, and the LBGTQ communities
  • Tobacco treatment is not a one size fits all thing


By ending the sale of all flavored tobacco products, including menthol cigarettes, flavored cigars, hookah, and smokeless tobacco, and by removing barriers to tobacco cessation and treatment services, we are acting to protect the health of our kids and all Minnesotans.

Thank you for signing the petition!