FDA: Eliminate Menthol Cigarettes and Help Save More Lives From Cancer

The FDA recently released a proposed rule that would eliminate menthol cigarettes and all flavors in cigars. 

Eliminating menthol in cigarettes and all flavors in cigars will save lives and prevent future generations from using tobacco in the LGBTQ+ community.

The facts are clear: 

  • Big Tobacco has used menthol products to unjustly target the LGBTQ+ community for years.
  • As a result, LGBTQ+ individuals who smoke are more likely to smoke menthol cigarettes as opposed to non-LGBTQ+ individuals. 
  • Menthol cigarettes are easier to use and harder to quit, leading to an even greater burden of addiction, disease and death. 

I support the FDA’s proposed rule to eliminate menthol cigarettes and help save more lives from cancer.