Enforcement of Prohibiting Menthol in Cigarettes and Flavors in Cigars


Menthol Cigarettes and Flavored Cigars > Enforcement of Prohibiting Menthol in Cigarettes and Flavors in Cigars

The tobacco industry’s targeting of specific communities – such as communities of color - with its deadly products, particularly menthol cigarettes and cigars, has led to disparities in how tobacco control laws are enforced. Recognizing this issue, a consortium of public health organizations authored principles to help local and state health departments, decisionmakers, advocates, and other stakeholders advance equitable enforcement practices related to the purchase, possession, sale, and distribution of all tobacco products. [

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reiterated the key components of these principles in its intention to issue proposed rules prohibiting menthol in cigarettes and flavors in cigars by stating they cannot and will not enforce any rules against individual consumers. 

ACS CAN advocates that state and local governments reform or eliminate laws, policies and enforcement practices that target individuals, especially youth, rather than businesses and industry actors. ACS CAN works to ensure new tobacco control laws do not target individuals and advocates enforcement should not involve law enforcement personnel.

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