Access to adequate, affordable health coverage

ACS CAN will continue to advocate for policy change that provides individuals and families access to health care coverage that is affordable, adequate, accessible and administratively simple regardless of race, gender, age, ethnicity, geography or health status. We will continue to monitor Maine’s transition to a state-based health exchange, providing input to ensure the transition results in increased access to coverage and ensures patients have a better understanding of the coverage options available to them in easier to understand formats.

ACS CAN will continue to support proposals that preserve and increase access to Medicaid benefits and services critical to low-income cancer patients, survivors and those at risk for cancer, including: non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT), cancer screening, diagnostic, treatment and palliative care, comprehensive tobacco cessation coverage, coverage of care related to participation in clinical trials and prescription drugs.

Reducing the cancer burden depends on access to meaningful health coverage. ACS CAN will work to advocate for policies that ensure all Mainers have adequate, affordable health coverage.